Thursday, June 30, 2011

After Class Six

This week we got into groups and created discussion questions from Chapters 19-24 and looked at two journal articles about the value of music in the ECE classroom.  This led to our activity - with the instruments that were brought in, we formed groups and performed songs that could be used with young children.  Lots of fun!
Next week we will be looking at drama in the classroom -- please bring in some felts to make paper bag puppets.
Have a great long weekend.  Happy Canada Day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

After Class Five

In today's class we discussed ideas from Chapters 14-18.  We also got into groups to talk about our school visits.  You can add more comments on your experiences or your thoughts on the collective visits of your group on this blog.  Lastly, we had a chance to examine some ECE library books and share some ideas on how they might be used in the classroom.
On this blog, I'd like you to tell our class what was your favourite children's book when you were growing up.  Give us the title and author's name.  You can also bring it next week (June 27) and show it to the class. 
For next week, please bring your textbook to class.  We will also have a focus on music, so if you have a musical instrument that you can bring in, that would be wonderful.  Think about some songs that can be used in the ECE classroom; for example, transition songs, folksongs, holiday music, movement and music, music for learning phonemic awareness, just for fun songs, etc.
Enjoy this summer weather!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

NO Class June 13

The votes were overwhelmingly in favour of Plan B, which means we will not have class tomorrow, June 13, but will re-schedule the Aug. 8 class.  For the people who said they cannot attend that day, we will discuss options.  Thanks for being flexible if you are not a hockey fan.  But I don't see the point of carrying on as per usual if 3/4 of the class won't attend.  This is just bigger than all of us!  Once in a lifetime perhaps, and it somehow feels bigger than the Olympics (if possible!)
So, all of our class readings and activities in the syllabus will be pushed back one week.  However, the due dates for the research paper and blog are going to remain the same.  Continue to work on your research papers, and if you have not contacted me about your topic, please do so. 
For this week's blog posting, I'd like you to choose two things that interested you about your school visit and share them with the class on this prompt in the comments section.  Again, please don't mention any names of teachers or schools, just let us know what kind of setting it was; i.e., kindergarten class, Montessori school, etc.
See you June 20.  The readings to prepare for that class will be Chapters 14-18 and we will do a survey of children's literature and discuss the school visits.
And now, let's put all our energy into willing the Canucks to win!!!  Go Canucks go!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The readings for today were Chapters 9-13 where we covered grouping, listening, modelling, positioning people, and questioning.  In groups we read a book and practiced describing what kind of writing it was, what it was about and creating some open-ended questions.  Last we did an activity with "play centres" and compared unmixed toys in free play with mixed toys in more structured projects.
Please vote (along with your regular posting, in the comments section of this prompt) on the following options for the next class. 
In trying to be fair about the possible situation next class, I came up with these ideas.  Please vote for one of the plans by 8 p.m. Sunday evening ( June 12) and I will go with the majority and post the results by 10 p.m Sunday.
Plan A:  We have class, no matter what the hockey situation. 
Plan B:  We cancel class, and reschedule the August 8 class.
Plan C:  We cancel class, but I will e-mail everyone several journal articles to be read and summarized for the next class (June 20) discussion.  (Bring summaries to class.) You will also do a one page (single spaced) write-up of your visit to a school, to be posted on this blog before the June 20 class.  In this write-up, you will share your overall impressions (don't name the school or teacher), comment on as many interesting items as you like from the handout.  We will combine the next couple of class's topics and will likely stay the full time till 9:20 p.m. on June 20 and 27.
Again, please vote on Plan A, B, or C by Sunday 8 p.m.  If it is Plan C I will e-mail the articles with a detailed explanation. 
Obviously, if the Canucks win today and Friday (!), we have class June 13 as per usual.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

After Class Three

In this class we covered many of the key ideas in Chapters 4-8.  We did an exercise in learning to write with a partner and had a chance to practice demonstrating, describing, encouraging/praising, facilitating and giving feedback as we struggled to write in Chinese or Nepali.  The objectives were to experience the difficulty of learning to use abstract symbols to represent sounds, and to emphasize the importance of teachers being experts in the curriculum.  We also continued our discussions about classroom design and had a chance in groups to sketch out indoor and outdoor plans.
For our next class, please wear comfortable clothes as we may be sitting on the floor.
Have a great week.  Go Canucks!